Current Lead Time is 5-10 days for solid colors

Appendix IWB with mag


We DO NOT support any O-Light product or no-name Amazon chinesium trash lights. O-Lights will overheat and catch on fire. Cheap-O lights will break, replacement will be different, the holster will not fit.

If you have a light not listed, message us! There are many more quality lights than what we have on hand.

Optics are expensive. Holsters made to accommodate optics feature material molded to protect your optic from impacts and shield it from rubbing against your skin while holstered.

SKU: N/A Category:

After making several, trying different designs, we feel that a two-piece design, lashed together with bungee cord offers the most comfortable carry as the holster and mag carrier are able to articulate as you move. Having a single piece holster and mag carrier feels like a dinner plate in your pants. Each combo has two drop clips for belt attachment, and a claw to push the pistol grip into the body, aiding in concealment. Brands and styles of clips & claws subject to availability from suppliers.

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